16 inch cord necklace with gemstone bead


Red Tiger’s Eye- Traditionally, Red Tiger's Eye is considered a stone that protects, gives energy, and calms you. In modern times, it is seen as a crystal that boosts personal power, motivation, and creativity.

Obsidian - Obsidian is a highly-regarded protective stone, known for its ability to block, absorb, and transform negative energy. Obsidian is believed to be a stone of clarity, with the ability to release emotional, physical, and spiritual blockages, drawing out stress and tension.

Golden Obsidian - Golden Obsidian dissolves negativity and purifies the aura, and is particularly useful for clearing blockages of the Solar Plexus Chakra, the center of our personal power. It is highly effective for exposing and releasing ego conflicts and power abuse, and dispelling any sense of futility or cynicism.

Brown Tiger’s Eye - It wards off negative energy and provides its wearer with courage, strength, and vitality.

Blue Goldstone - Blue Goldstone is believed to transmit healing energy, increase self-acceptance, aid in learning and soothe hypersensitivity. Blue goldstone is thought to be the ideal stone for empaths. Blue goldstone is associated with the heart and crown chakras and the zodiac sign of Sagittarius.

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