Chip stone bottle necklaces


Necklace holding chip stones on a 20 inch black cord.

Fluorite - Known as a highly protective and stabilizing stone, useful for grounding and harmonizing spiritual energy. When working with the upper Chakras, fluorite is said to increase intuitive abilities, link the human mind to universal consciousness, and develop connection to Spirit.

Amethyst - Known as a meditative stone, used to promote calmness, balance and peace. Exactly the kind of relaxing energy we could all use after a long day. Allow its energy to soothe away the day-to-day stresses keeping you up at night and eliminate impatience

Mookaite- Known to offer the medicine of personal power and willpower, the traits we need to bolster the courage and insight for making life's big decisions. Like an espresso for the soul, it is an excellent all-over energizer that cleanses and activates the root chakra, sacral chakra and solar plexus chakra.

Green Aventurine - Known for boosting your luck and confidence, Green Aventurine is a powerful stone for abundance and prosperity. The overflowing energy of success and opportunity that this crystal offers will help you align with your highest potential and attract more abundance into your life.

Amazonite - Amazonite encourages you to loosen your grip on life and allow it to flow. It illuminates childlike energy within you to inspire optimism, hope, and authenticity.

Howlite - Known for an extra powerful ability to soothe the mind, because the light white hue is seen almost like an eraser or cleanser to negativity and confusion. Howlite’s association with the crown chakra reinforces this crystal meaning: it’s a powerful stone that’s used to balance the crown chakra by soothing a racing, overactive mind, quelling panic, easing restlessness, and instilling tranquility.

Obsidian - Known to protect and cleanse your aura of negative attachments, old patterns and toxic emotions, which help unearth any destructive thought patterns that are standing in the way of your spiritual growth. Along with protecting and releasing negativity, can be used for root chakra healing and grounding.

Peridot - Known as the stone of balance and renewal, Peridot is believed to bring conviction, connection, and alignment. This warm-hearted and welcoming bright green stone is also known to rejuvenate your sense of creativity. It attracts love and calms anger by giving renewal to all things.

Turquoise - Known as a Master Healer that brings powerful healing energies to your mind, body and spirit. It promotes energy flow throughout your body while aiding in the body's natural cycle of renewal and regeneration. Known especially for supporting intentions related to health and wellness.

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